SZDX Token
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As a ZDX token reward holder, you can supercharge your rewards by re-staking your ZDX rewards in a single asset pool to earn an impressive 165% APR. However, this pool isn't just about earning a high APR—it's about multiplying and maximizing your ZDX reward returns.
Why wait? Seize the moment now and start unlocking the full power of your ZDX token rewards today!
Unlock the full potential of your ZDX tokens by participating in our single ZDX staking pools! Here's how it works:
Stake in any Zeus DEX pools: Start by staking your tokens in our Single Staking or Balancer Pools. This initial step allows you to earn ZDX rewards effortlessly.
Earn ZDX Tokens: After you stake, you will accumulate ZDX tokens, which are your APR rewards.
Multiply Your Rewards: Once you have earned ZDX tokens, stake your ZDX tokens in our single asset pool. This is where the magic happens—by staking your ZDX tokens, you can multiply your rewards significantly!
Claim Your Rewards: After staking in the ZDX single staking pool, you'll claim your rewards as SZDX tokens.
Maximize Your Earnings: With your SZDX tokens, you have two exciting options:
Stake in Liquidity: You can stake your SZDX tokens in one of our three specialized liquidity staking pools. These swap pools will maximize your rewards even more.
ZAP Out: Alternatively, you can claim and ZAP out your rewards directly to your wallet in ETH-USDC, BSC-USDT, or AVAX-USDC.